How Can Misalignment Lead to Sciatica and More?

Common Conditions AT Forest Hall Chiropractic Clinic
There are several common symptoms that misalignment of the skeletal systems may lead to. Here are some of the conditions that you could suffer from:
- Low back and leg pain – commonly called sciatica
- Neck pain and headaches
- Frozen shoulder/shoulder pain
- Elbow and wrist pain.
- Foot, knee and hip pain
- ‘Nerve entrapment’/’slipped discs’
- Neuralgia
- Pregnancy pains
- Sports injuries
- Dizziness or Vertigo
Forest Hall Chiropractic Clinic can help treat these symptoms, using our expert team to find the best option for you. They are fully trained to help deal with sciatica, a slipped disk, elbow pain, a trapped nerve, headaches, low back and leg pain.
How Do We Treat Common Conditions?
Forest Hall Chiropractic Clinic understands that no two people have the exact same experience, so we treat every patient individually, aiming to discover the cause of your symptoms before diagnosing the problem. From this, we can provide an effective treatment plan for your slipped disk, sciatica, trapped nerve or any type of pain you may be experiencing.
If you think a chiropractor may be for you, get in touch with us today.